miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Still Alive... For the People who are Still Alive ♪♪♪

Well after almost a month I'm back updating this thing. Now I got a job, no the best but something, so that means that now I'll have less time to draw or play games. However, I need the job! is a bakery by the way.

In art business, if you follow me on DeviantartFuraffinity, or any other of my accounts, you know that I have uploaded plenty artwork . Including commissions and some gifts. Also I'm working on Xanrhen's commission, in  which I appear; It's me and him in Mario Kart 8. You know, it feels weird to charge for a comish where you appear.

Continuing with the Famous Wolves thing, guess who's the next guy? Try guessing by the fighting pose.

I've been playing DmC: Devil may cry, yes two times the same name, and Devil May Cry 3. I have never touch any DMC games before and  know many of the fans hate the new one, that's why I'm playing both of them, so I'll have a better reference point before give my opinion. Where I am both look great with some obvious differences, like the speed, visuals, and of course, the protagonist' personality.

For now I just want to rest, so well until next time!

sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014


 Today I got commissioned by Blur. This time it's a Halloween themed gift for a friend of him. He told me this morning, so It is going to be done until tomorrow.

I like the way this is coming out.

Here is some preliminary sketches, and the final pose. He is like a mommy/zombie/werewolf/ thing. xD

Finally I'm playing Castlevania 3. I just played first three stages, and I already love it! The colorful graphics, the music, and the first Castlevania mechanics are back. Also, The use of three characters is a good addition to the game play.

Well that's it, Gerardson out!

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Volg progress

Today I didn't feel quite well so this is all that I got.

I've been  playing Wind Waker HD. I got this game for free when I bought Mario Kart 8. I kinda regret that, not 'cause i did't like the game, but because the box art is really cute. 

I played this game back on my adolescence, I love every part of it and have good memories of it. Unfortunately, I played it as a speed run because it wasn't mine, and I had only three days to beat it. Gladly, now I can play it as it should.   

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


More of sketches of Ace Hart from Dog City. Hmm... I'm thinking on use a character design between my style and the original style of Dog City on my little fan project rather than a full version of the characters in my style.

 Also, continuing with my "Famous" Wolves series, quotation marks 'cause some of the are practically unknown, this time is Volg from Shining Tears.

In drawing it's normal and recommendable to do first a nude version of the character and then add clothes, usually without genitals though. I always do it, but from now on I'll keep the nude version and color it. I know some artist already do this, but I used to get rid of the nude version.

And with out nothing more to say, I got to sleep. Laters!

lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014

Another week

As you can see, I drew Ace Hart from Dog City series on my style. It's not the first time I draw him, and I'm planning to do the same to other characters from the same series, for a personal project I got in mind.


About games, I've decided to play all Castlevania games I can in order. I've already played this two, yes, even the infamous Simon's Quest. The first one was fun and and hard to finish. The second as you know is bad in many ways, but I think here is when they start to get more like the "Metroidvania" style of the franchise took later.  

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014


Well... I haven't progressed a lot on Levyan's drawing, sorry about that, but today I put my attention on this little drawing about Dad. 

Click on the picture to read the description, and I know I look older than Dad but, it's because my beard.  He always makes about my age.


Bayonetta is about to release in a few days! OMG so hype!.. so poor... I need money D:

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


Well, everything is going relatively well. These days I was helping father on his  job, building stuff, and DAMN! I forgot how tired it is xD. In art business I'm still working on Levyan's drawing.

Also I bought this game, Muramasa the Demon Blade, and a Pete figure. I just started the game and looks kida difficult, I tell you later my final impression.

Pete is just Pete. You don't have to question me why I got him. :3

sábado, 11 de octubre de 2014

Working on

Currently working on Levyan's drawing, he was the winner of the past raffle I made.


I started a new character on Dark Souls II. Just to play the DLCs. The current characters I have just didn't like me and were mere cosplays. This time it's a Strength Punch build.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Today I got took the day off, and well I used my free time to make just a little more of advance on Dargon's commission.

This time I'll recommend the maga of Kazumi Magica but only if you like Madoka Magica. The story may be confuse in some parts but it's very good. By the way, it's not a spin-off, actually it fits in the cannon. It's more like a side story. 

Also I recommend you the main series also if you haven't watch it.

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

First of all, I apologize to Dargon for taking so much time on his commission, but lately I'm seeing a job and is taking a lot of time of my day. This is all that I got.

I haven't played a new game to recommend you guys, but this time I'll recommend you a Comic.
Rascal Raccoon's Ranging Revenge. It's about Rascal, duh, and his "friends" with a existentialist problem. I don't like to talk to much about the argument of the things I recommend, because I think is better 
to find out the story by yourself. Just trust me, if you like anthropomorphic cartoony animals, you gonna like it.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Working on

Still working on Dargon's commission. This is what I got.
Now in video games business I've been playing Mass Effect 3: Special Edition for Wii U. This is the first game of the franchise that I've played, and I fell in love with it! Everything is so well detailed, the story is attractive and hooks you almost immediately.

As many as other Wii U adaptation of other games, It use the Wii U game pad to show a interactive map and hot keys or short cuts. This is not quite practical considering that you use them in real time and not pausing the action as you do by holding the shoulder buttons.  
Also, because the previous games aren't on Wii U, the game contains a interactive comic by Dark Horse that not only tell you the back story  but also let you make some important decisions of the previous games. 

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Another Commission for Dargon

Once again commissioned by Dargon. This time in the armor of Fume Knight from Dark Souls II Old Iron King. We're both fans of the franchise and play it a lot, but recently, for some reason, I don't feel like playing Dark Souls II. Maybe it's because right know I'm obsessed with Mass Effect 3 and my hosubando Garrus.


Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon

This game is beautiful! Sincerely, the gameplay is nothing from other world, in fact it's very simple. But the story and art direction is movie quality. I recommend it only if you like this kind of japanese art and stories. It reminds me a little Dark Souls because you use the bonfires to rest, level up, recover hp, as check points, and the monsters re-spawn if you use them.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Well this time is Volk, from Nu Pogodi series. I just fell in love for the series and this character, well except for the smoke. Immediately it became one of may favorite cartoons, and Volk is just so cute. I have already drawn a few pictures of him.

His objective is always to chase Zayats, and how you imagine, he always fail. However, by different reasons, they almost always end up dancing or something a bit weird. 


In other business I've been playing Wonderful 101, kinda hard to get use to the controls and has a good difficult. After all it's a Platinum Games video game. I wouldn't recommend to play it casual. Also I love the art of this game.